Engine Supports Congressional Efforts to Save the Internet

Congressional Democrats today introduced bicameral legislation to restore the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) 2015 net neutrality rules, which ensured that the Internet would remain free from discrimination by Internet Service Providers. Those rules were repealed by the FCC in 2017 after ISPs sued to overturn them.

The following quote can be attributed to Evan Engstrom, Executive Director of Engine:  

“Startups need net neutrality protections to keep the Internet a level playing field, where young companies don’t have to outbid large incumbents for better access to users. That’s why we supported the FCC’s sensible 2015 Open Internet rules, which provided common-sense protections for the Internet. We appreciate today’s broad push by Democrats to restore the FCC’s 2015 rules and ability to keep the Internet open, and we encourage Congress to pass this much-needed legislation to protect the Internet.”