
Startup News Digest 04/26/24

Startup News Digest 04/26/24

Net neutrality revival set to ensure level startup playing field

Invest in women to ignite innovation

Invest in women to ignite innovation

Every March, we celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month as a global celebration of women’s achievements. And in the startup ecosystem, there’s a lot to celebrate—women are trailblazing and innovating at unprecedented rates. 

Startup News Digest 03/22/24

Startup News Digest 03/22/24

Bipartisan tax legislation needed by startups remains in Senate limbo

Startup News Digest 03/15/24

Startup News Digest 03/15/24

Rule takes effect restricting startups’ ability to hire contract labor

Startup News Digest 03/08/24

Startup News Digest 03/08/24

House passes package expanding capital access for startups

Startup News Digest 12/01/23

Startup News Digest 12/01/23

Digital taxes on the horizon, Canada likely to be first

Startup News Digest 08/18/23

Startup News Digest 08/18/23

Congressional Startup Day brings together lawmakers and their startup constituents.

Startup News Digest 08/04/23

Startup News Digest 08/04/23

The Big Story: Bipartisan legislation to build AI resource for startups, researchers. A recently introduced bill would create government AI resources for startups and bolster needed talent in the field. The bipartisan bill—the Creating Resources for Every American To Experiment with Artificial Intelligence Act of 2023 (CREATE AI Act)—formally establishes the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) which will provide compute, datasets, and educational resources for startups, students, and academics. The legislation comes amid rapid growth of AI technology and will improve the competitiveness of U.S. startups.