Engine Weighs in on Proposed H-1B Visa Requirements

Engine filed comments with the Department of Homeland Security on a proposed rulemaking that would change the registration requirements for H-1B visas. Engine works with American entrepreneurs who believe that attracting  highly-skilled workers from around the world is crucial to creating great American companies. In order to fuel growth in the innovation economy, startups support policies that allow the best and brightest to remain in the U.S. to grow their companies. We support the proposed changes to reduce barriers for employers seeking to hire highly-skilled immigrants, however we remain concerned with the constraints on timing and the emphasis on advanced degrees in the proposed rulemaking.

Overall, we believe Congress should increase the cap on H-1B petitions, but without Congressional action, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) should take any and all steps necessary to make it easier for startups to attract and retain the talented entrepreneurs driving our innovation economy.

Read our full comments here.