2015 in Tech and Startup Policy

In 2015, Engine celebrated several political victories for the tech community, traveled across the country to emerging startup ecosystems, and published new research on the challenging issues facing startups and policymakers alike.

We’re especially grateful for all the support of our community of entrepreneurs, VCs, and technology experts. They helped us win net neutrality, signed our letters to Congress, joined us on Capitol Hill, and shared their stories to demonstrate why entrepreneurs and the startups they build are such a valuable part of our economy and our nation.

Watch this space to read about all the issues we tackled this year.

Engine Highlights in 2015: Major Wins and Moments for Technology Startups and Entrepreneurs

Net Neutrality: The FCC announced its historic net neutrality decision to keep the Internet open and fair. Engine has since defended attempts to undermine net neutrality in the courts.

Capital Access: The SEC finalized investment crowdfunding and Reg A+. Engine published a paper on improving investment crowdfunding policy for startups and investors.

Patent Reform: Over 140 venture capitalists and 200 startups signed letters in support of patent reform. We brought several groups of startups to the Hill and released a book of troll stories. And this summer, the PATENT Act and the Innovation Act were passed out of Judiciary Committees in both the Senate and House.

Diversity in Tech: Engine launched Congress’ first and only caucus uniquely dedicated to expanding diversity in the tech industry. We also launched efforts to support #VetsWhoTech with a briefing on Capitol Hill, support for the VET Act, and released a series of stories about veterans in the tech sector.

Telecom: We worked with a coalition to successfully stop Comcast’s attempted merger with Time Warner.

Digital Privacy: The state of California passed one of the strongest electronic communication privacy laws in the nation.

Startup Cities: Engine visited emerging startup ecosystems around the country, stopping with the #RiseofRest tour in Richmond, Raleigh-Durham, Atlanta, New Orleans, Baltimore, Philly, Buffalo, and Manchester.

2016 Race: Engine hosted the first ever Iowa Presidential Tech Town Hall.

We hope you’ll join us in 2016 as we continue to fight for greater capital access, improved educational opportunities for tech workers and aspiring entrepreneurs, patent reform, and strong net neutrality protections.

Catch you next year!