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After months of campaigning, political ads, and debate between candidates across the country, today is the day to vote. While at Engine we’ve been tackling issues and policies that affect startups, this is your opportunity to directly impact your local, state, and federal government.
How should you vote? And where? The Google Elections team has engineered a useful tool that helps you find your polling place, tells you what races will be on your ballot, and even links to candidates websites and social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Google+. What if you're in California where propositions are up for a vote? Don’t worry! The referenda on your ballot are outlined too.
The first step to better government is increased voter participation. Whatever hand we as a country are dealt, Engine will work with policymakers to make sure the issues that affect startups are on the agenda -- but today is your day to get involved at the ballot box.
Join us after the elections to build stronger connections between new lawmakers and the startups growing the American economy. You can check out some of the issues confronting startups here.