Statement on Court Denial of Attempts to Delay Net Neutrality Rules


The innovators and entrepreneurs that depend on an open Internet to drive our economy won an important legal victory today. In rejecting ISP attempts to delay the implementation of the FCC’s net neutrality rules, the DC Circuit helped ensure that the Internet will remain open during what will likely be a long period of litigation. Any departure from the non-discrimination principles at the heart of the Internet’s growth would seriously harm the startup economy and the good jobs it creates.

But, much work remains to be done. Just today, members of Congress opposed to meaningful net neutrality rules put forward an appropriations bill that attempts to use Congress’s budgetary authority to prevent enforcement of even the most basic net neutrality principles. Anyone who believes in the value of an open Internet and a smoothly functioning democracy should be alarmed by these tactics. Engine will continue to work with the startup community to prevent these efforts, and any attempts to undermine Americans' freedom to innovate.