Weekly Digest

Startup News Digest 09/30/22

Startup News Digest 09/30/22

The Big Story: Network access fee debates heat up worldwide. This week, European telecom companies redoubled their push to make large Internet companies pay based on the traffic they generate, a policy that would undermine net neutrality principles and negatively impact the broader Internet ecosystem. The push comes after months of agitating by Internet service providers (ISPs) for the payments, called network access fees, and amid a growing number of jurisdictions that have taken steps toward such policies, including South Korea.

Startup News Digest 09/23/22

Startup News Digest 09/23/22

The Big Story: SBIR reauthorization on the horizon, heads to the House. After months of negotiations, a key grant program for startups is expected to be reauthorized just in time for its scheduled expiration at the end of the month. The House is expected to vote next week to reauthorize the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, following a vote in the Senate to reauthorize the program for three years this past Tuesday. The program serves as a critical funding source for many startups engaged in research and development (R&D).

Startup News Digest 09/16/22

Startup News Digest 09/16/22

The Big Story: Startups are collateral as policymakers talk past each other on tech policy. Over the last week we’ve seen several tech policy conversations where contradictory, party-line talking points are on full display that—if taken seriously as policy ideas on everything from privacy, to national security, to content moderation, and more—would make life much harder for thousands of startups across the country. Lawmakers’ competing and mutually exclusive visions for the Internet doesn’t stop them from threatening policy changes that would alter the way tech companies, including startups, have to operate, however, as we highlight in a new blog post.

Startup News Digest 09/09/22

Startup News Digest 09/09/22

The Big Story: SBIR reauthorization remains at a standstill. Startups await the fate of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program as lawmakers continue to deliberate its reauthorization ahead of its fast-approaching September 30 expiration. With fierce support from advocates and innovators—who recognize the positive impact the program has on the innovation ecosystem—alike, this critical funding stream for R&D and commercialization risks drying up without congressional action.

Startup News Digest 08/26/22

Startup News Digest 08/26/22

The Big Story: Biden administration unveils student loan relief plan. After months of deliberation, President Joe Biden announced a three-part plan aimed at easing student loan debt, a move that could lower barriers for entrepreneurship in the U.S. The announcement—fulfilling a 2020 campaign promise—will cancel up to $10,000 in federal student debt for many borrowers and up to $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients for those that earn less than $125,000 per year or $250,000 for households. It also includes steps to cap monthly payments, improve the forgiveness programs for borrowers who work in public service, and increase accountability around skyrocketing college costs.

Startup News Digest 08/19/22

Startup News Digest 08/19/22

Startup Advocacy Week and Congressional Startup Day underscore the importance of pro-innovation policy. Startups are key drivers of innovation, they spur job growth, and invigorate the U.S. economy. We at Engine are lucky to work with a vast network of startups across the country who know, first-hand, how essential pro-innovation policies are to their success—and those policies can only become a reality when policymakers invite startup founders to the table to listen to their experiences and hear about their needs. Those very conversations took place during this Startup Advocacy Week and Congressional Startup Day.

Startup News Digest 08/12/22

Startup News Digest 08/12/22

The Big Story: Patent policy conversations need startup voices. Policymakers are continuing to evaluate several aspects of the patent system—one of many areas where policymakers need to account for startup voices and experiences to craft policy that promotes their success. This summer, IP subcommittees in both the Senate and the House held hearings about the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB)—a venue within the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) that can take a second look at likely-invalid patents and weed out those that should not have issued.

Startup News Digest 08/05/22

Startup News Digest 08/05/22

The Big Story: Immigration reform is key for innovation, competitiveness. Pressure is building on lawmakers to address flaws in the country’s immigration system that keep the tech sector—including startups—from having the talent it needs. Following the recent passage of a sweeping competitiveness package, the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors for America (CHIPS) and Science Act, members of the tech industry are calling to attention the need for immigration reform to keep the sector competitive.

Startup News Digest 07/29/22

Startup News Digest 07/29/22

The Big Story: New net neutrality bill would benefit startups. Lawmakers are restarting the stalled conversation around net neutrality, the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) shouldn’t be able to charge websites and online services—including those run by startups—for better, faster access to their users. This week, Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) and Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), introduced the Net Neutrality and Broadband Justice Act—a bill that would reclassify broadband to give the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authority to regulate ISPs, including on net neutrality.

Startup News Digest 07/22/22

Startup News Digest 07/22/22

The Big Story: CHIPS Act takes precedence in USICA developments. The Senate is moving forward with pared-down competitiveness legislation following Tuesday’s procedural vote, which cleared a key procedural hurdle. While the narrower package largely focuses on subsidies for the semiconductor industry, it is also expected to include some of the larger bill’s provisions to increase funding to broadly support U.S. innovation. Senators expect to tee up final passage next week, which would then send the bill to the House for consideration.

Startup News Digest 07/15/22

Startup News Digest 07/15/22

The Big Story: Hope fades for pro-startup provisions in U.S. competitiveness package. After months of negotiations, Congress has hit another roadblock to advancing a compromise version of two bills aimed at boosting U.S. competitiveness: the Senate’s United States Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) and the House’s America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology, and Economic Strength (COMPETES) Act.

Startup News Digest 07/08/22

Startup News Digest 07/08/22

The Big Story: Copyright Office concludes ancillary copyright protections are not warranted. In a recent report, the U.S. Copyright Office explained why it does not recommend expanding or adopting new copyright-like protections for press publishers. The Copyright Office’s study was rooted in concerns about supporting vitally important local news media, but it focused specifically on whether policymakers should extend copyright-like protections (also known as “ancillary copyright”) to sharing hyperlinks and quoting news headlines or snippets of articles. Last week’s report concluded that it is not clear any new copyright-like protections would solve problems facing press publishers, while those sorts of copyright expansions would have “critical policy and Constitutional dimensions.”

Startup News Digest 06/24/22

Startup News Digest 06/24/22

The Big Story: Patent policy discussions resurface in D.C. this week. This was an active week for patent policy conversations in D.C., with the Senate, House, and Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) all weighing in. Procedures for reviewing low-quality patents took center stage, with many focused on the role the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) plays in the startup and small business ecosystems. It is imperative that policymakers who want to understand the full impact of the PTAB—particularly in regards to U.S. startups—ensure startup voices have an equal seat at the table when the topics are discussed.

Startup News Digest 06/17/22

Startup News Digest 06/17/22

The Big Story: Possible federal privacy framework on the horizon. After years of discussions and negotiations, lawmakers are taking serious steps towards creating a much-needed federal privacy framework that would create consistency for startups and protections for consumers. Earlier this week, the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce held a hearing discussing the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA)—a draft bipartisan, bicameral bill that is the first meaningful step towards a federal privacy law following years of negotiations. Subcommittee Chair Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) reportedly said this week that the subcommittee will consider and vote on the bill during a markup next week.

IP Recap - 06/15/2022

IP Recap - 06/15/2022

Standard-essential patents (SEPs) are getting increasing attention in policy debates. For example, the Biden administration recently withdrew a problematic SEP policy from 2019, but has not yet replaced it with anything. In late 2021, federal agencies published a draft SEP policy that signaled promising steps towards restoring balance—balance that could free up more space for innovation, improve the landscape for competition in connected devices and beyond, and promote affordable consumer access to the latest technology. But the nation is still waiting for a decision on that 2021 draft policy, and it remains to be seen what last week’s withdrawal of existing policy without a replacement means. This is a complex area of patent law, which big companies (often foreign companies) dominate. It can feel very opaque to outsiders, but everyone, including startups, has a lot at stake in conversations around balanced SEP policy. Especially as we move towards broader adoption of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) technology, domestic startups have a vital perspective that has to be accounted for as the government moves towards more balanced SEP implementation and enforcement.

Startup News Digest 06/10/22

Startup News Digest 06/10/22

The Big Story: Patent Quality Week examines impact, reach, importance of balanced patent system. Today we close out our second annual Patent Quality Week where we—alongside startup leaders, experts, and industries across the country—set out to demystify the complex patent system and highlight the important ways in which it impacts every person and business in the U.S. With a better understanding of how the system operates, and all the ways we encounter it, we can chart a path to ensure patent policy works for every entrepreneur, innovator, and individual. And we can make sure everyone has a voice in the system.

Startup News Digest 06/03/22

Startup News Digest 06/03/22

The Big Story: JOBS Act 4.0 could create more opportunities for startups. Policymakers are considering a sweeping package of proposals that could increase opportunities for startups to access capital and reduce regulatory barriers that make existing opportunities difficult. In comments to the Republican leadership of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Engine explained how the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act 4.0—as well as potential modifications and additions to the bill—could incentivize investment, open up more avenues for would-be investors, and advance equitable access the startup ecosystem.

Startup News Digest 05/27/22

Startup News Digest 05/27/22

The Big Story: Indo-Pacific framework could advance digital trade priorities for startups. Early this week during his visit to Japan, President Biden announced the launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) with 12 countries in the region. The framework—first outlined last year and including Australia, Brunei, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam—is the administration’s primary trade engagement in the region and promises to touch on digital trade issues important to startups, like data flows and regulation of emerging technologies.

Startup News Digest 05/20/22

Startup News Digest 05/20/22

The Big Story: Tech waits to see if SCOTUS will let Texas social media law stand. The Internet ecosystem is waiting to see whether the Supreme Court will issue an emergency stay of a lower court ruling from last week that would limit Internet companies’ ability to remove harmful content. The emergency stay could come as early as today. This week, Engine joined the Chamber of Progress and over 20 Internet advocacy groups and civil society organizations in a brief to the court urging them to reverse the Fifth Circuit decision, which overruled a lower court ruling that kept a 2021 Texas social media law from going into effect.

Startup News Digest 05/13/22

Startup News Digest 05/13/22

The Big Story: Big week for Biden’s broadband efforts. The Biden administration is honing in on broadband expansion this week with new partnerships with Internet providers to ensure low-cost broadband for low-income Americans and the kickoff of a program to make available $45 billion for state broadband initiatives. Reliable, accessible, affordable broadband is crucial to the startup ecosystem and innovators across the country.