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Startup News Digest 08/18/23

Startup News Digest 08/18/23

Congressional Startup Day brings together lawmakers and their startup constituents.

Startup News Digest 08/04/23

Startup News Digest 08/04/23

The Big Story: Bipartisan legislation to build AI resource for startups, researchers. A recently introduced bill would create government AI resources for startups and bolster needed talent in the field. The bipartisan bill—the Creating Resources for Every American To Experiment with Artificial Intelligence Act of 2023 (CREATE AI Act)—formally establishes the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) which will provide compute, datasets, and educational resources for startups, students, and academics. The legislation comes amid rapid growth of AI technology and will improve the competitiveness of U.S. startups.

Startup News Digest 07/28/23

Startup News Digest 07/28/23

The Big Story: Senate advances bills requiring user data collection, limiting legal content online. This week, the Senate Commerce Committee advanced two bills that carry serious risks for cybersecurity, user privacy, and third-party content available on startups’ services. The legislation, the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2.0), though well-intentioned, will increase costs of compliance, undermine startup competitiveness, and diminish user experience, as we highlighted in a letter ahead of the committee markup. 

As startups struggle with talent, Canada is trying to attract U.S. bound high skilled immigrants

As startups struggle with talent, Canada is trying to attract U.S. bound high skilled immigrants

Hiring early employees is one of the first obstacles startup founders face, made more complicated by talent shortages in STEM fields and an immigration system that often makes it time consuming and expensive to hire high-skilled talent from abroad. Other countries—most recently Canada—are taking advantage of that reality to attract tech talent away from the U.S. Without urgent action from policymakers, the U.S. innovation ecosystem will soon lag behind, as talent will continue to seek out nations where they receive a warmer welcome and better support. 

Startup News Digest 07/21/23

Startup News Digest 07/21/23

The Big Story: Policymakers threaten successful startup exits, investment. This week, federal agencies released new draft guidelines for merger enforcement that could reduce the number of acquisitions and negatively impact the ability of startups to successfully exit. The new draft guidelines come amid a parallel effort to revise the filing process for larger transactions, adding costs and new burdens to those acquisitions. Taken together, the agencies’ actions are designed to limit acquisitions, which are critical to investment and successful exits in the startup ecosystem. 

Paying twice? The persistent proposal that could upend the Internet and increase startup costs

Paying twice? The persistent proposal that could upend the Internet and increase startup costs

Last month, a majority of the European Parliament voted in favor of a resolution contemplating a policy framework that could diminish startup competitiveness and endanger the open Internet. The vote is the latest in a long-running effort by telecom companies to force websites and apps to pay them based on the traffic they generate. That model, sometimes called “sender pays,” is gaining popularity with policymakers throughout the world—including in the U.S.—threatening net neutrality principles and the competitiveness of U.S. startups. 

Startup News Digest 07/14/23

Startup News Digest 07/14/23

The Big Story: EU, U.S. implement framework to restore transatlantic data transfers. The European Commission this week adopted a needed decision to implement the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, bringing certainty back to transatlantic data transfers and lowering barriers for startups. The long-awaited agreement ends years of uncertainty surrounding data flows needed for U.S. startups to serve EU customers thanks to the invalidation of an earlier transfer agreement called Privacy Shield. The new framework is a welcome step that will bolster the competitiveness of U.S. startups looking to serve the EU market. 

Startup News Digest 06/30/23

Startup News Digest 06/30/23

The Big Story: Supreme Court strikes down Biden student loan relief plan. The Supreme Court this week struck down President Biden’s student loan relief plan that would have canceled up to $20,000 in student debt for qualified borrowers. The decision, while not unexpected, is a blow to the millions of Americans riddled with student debt, and individuals whose debt acts as a barrier to pursuing entrepreneurship. 

Startup News Digest 06/02/23

Startup News Digest 06/02/23

The Big Story: House passes capital formation bills. The House passed several bills this week to improve capital access for startups, including by providing educational resources on capital raising options for underrepresented small businesses and another to broaden the pool of potential startup investors.

Startup News Digest 05/26/23

Startup News Digest 05/26/23

The Big Story: EU data ruling further imperils transatlantic data flows. A decision this week by a major EU privacy regulator is adding to uncertainty over companies’—especially startups’—already tenuous ability to store and process user data from EU users in the U.S.

Startup News Digest 04/21/23

Startup News Digest 04/21/23

The Big Story: Non-compete ban would boost the startup ecosystem. Policymakers received thousands of comments this week as a key agency considers a change that would make it easier for people to leave their jobs, including to found and join early stage startups. In conjunction with the Juelsgaard Intellectual Property and Innovation Clinic, Engine submitted comments this week to the Federal Trade Commission urging the agency to move forward with a proposed rule change that would ban most non-compete agreements, which are post-employment contracts that bar workers from taking up jobs with competitors for a prescribed period of time.

Startup News Digest 04/14/23

Startup News Digest 04/14/23

The Big Story: Policymakers set their sights on artificial intelligence. This week saw a frenzy of activity from policymakers around the globe looking to regulate artificial intelligence technologies, which startups are increasingly leveraging in their products. In the U.S., federal agencies recently kicked off processes to examine AI and intellectual property as well as AI accountability, while Congress is exploring legislation. Abroad, policymakers have used existing regulations to ban certain AI tools and are looking to adapt their proposed AI rules.  

Startup News Digest 02/10/23

Startup News Digest 02/10/23

The Big Story: Hearings cast spotlight on capital access obstacles. Lawmakers heard from entrepreneurs and investors this week as they examined key issues impacting startups’ ability to access capital. The House Financial Services subcommittee held two hearings covering multiple legislative proposals, including efforts to expand the pool of accredited investors and changes to the structure of certain investment funds. Those changes, if enacted, would bring much needed diversity to the startup ecosystem’s investor pool and boost funding opportunities for underrepresented entrepreneurs.  

Startup News Digest 02/03/23

Startup News Digest 02/03/23

The Big Story: Startup policy priorities for 2023, and how to get involved. This week, Engine released its first-ever Startup Policy Playbook, to help give members of the startup ecosystem—startup founders and employees, investors, and support organizations—an overview of the policy conversations happening this Congress and how they can get involved in amplifying the startup voice this year. 

Startup News Digest 01/27/23

Startup News Digest 01/27/23

The Big Story: U.S. moves forward on AI policy, resources for startups. This week, two federal entities released materials to bolster research and responsible development of Artificial Intelligence, which are or will be made available to startups. The National AI Research Resource Task Force released its final report to the president and Congress recommending the creation of a National AI Research Resource (NAIRR), and that startups be primary users of that resource. And the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released the Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework, a voluntary guide for companies—including startups—as they develop AI technologies. Both developments were spurred by the National AI Initiative Act of 2020 which passed as part of the National Defense Authorization Act that year.