
Startup News Digest 1/12/24

Startup News Digest 1/12/24

Startups to face hiring challenges following independent contractor rule

Startup News Digest 12/08/23

Startup News Digest 12/08/23

Supreme Court hears about dangers of state social media laws, including to startups

Startup News Digest 12/01/23

Startup News Digest 12/01/23

Digital taxes on the horizon, Canada likely to be first

Startup News Digest 07/14/23

Startup News Digest 07/14/23

The Big Story: EU, U.S. implement framework to restore transatlantic data transfers. The European Commission this week adopted a needed decision to implement the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, bringing certainty back to transatlantic data transfers and lowering barriers for startups. The long-awaited agreement ends years of uncertainty surrounding data flows needed for U.S. startups to serve EU customers thanks to the invalidation of an earlier transfer agreement called Privacy Shield. The new framework is a welcome step that will bolster the competitiveness of U.S. startups looking to serve the EU market.